What to Declutter from Your Home This Winter

What to Declutter from Your Home This Winter

What to Declutter from Your Home This Winter

When you take the time to declutter your home at the start of the winter, you are reducing the stress that comes with this time of the year. During this time of year, you are likely to spend more time indoors than ever before, and decluttering can help you enjoy that time even more. Also, it will cut back on the spring cleaning to-do list when you take care of junk removal in Kissimmee now.  These are a few items that you should consider decluttering from your home to prepare for the season ahead.

Summer Clothing

Winter means colder weather. Now, some people can handle the year round shorts and sandals. You might not be one of those people. So, take the time to store away your summer clothing. Reducing your clutter in the closet and your dresser will make room for your winter clothes. You can take this time to cull the wardrobe of clothes that you didn't wear.


Though you don't want to hear this, you can't have Halloween decorations out year round. Take this time to start packing away your pumpkins and skeletons and throw them back into the closet. Prepare your home for the season and brighten the colors on the outside. Clear your yard and get ready for the snow.  You can clear out indoor decorations from the past seasons.

Household Accessories

The little things around your house that have begun to take up space can go. Start with all the different scents of candles. Pick the best ones for the season and swap them as needed. The rest can be put away. If the candles are brand new, you can always use them as white elephant gifts for the holidays. This goes for all accessories.

Winter Accessories

Decluttering isn't just about what you already have laying around. When you are pulling out your winter clothes, it’s time to get real. You need to get rid of what you don't fit and make room for new clothes. If you got scarves and hats that you just don't like anymore, donate them.

Magazines, Mail, and Paper Clutter

Over the year, you have most likely accumulated a stack of papers and mail on your table. Time to get rid of it. Whittle down that stack to only the necessary. Recycle, reuse, and declutter. Now that school is about to be out for the winter, clear out the fall paper clutter. It isn't needed anymore and you have plenty more coming. Remember to have your kids go through their paper clutter too, as they may want to save something you would have otherwise tossed.

If you are preparing to declutter your home for the winter, you will likely want to have a dumpster ready for all that junk removal in Kissimmee.

Contact Wasteville to reserve your dumpster today!

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